Designer, Storyteller

Consulting Work

Work produced in the last 5 years for various consulting clients.

note: this work is private and should not be downloaded or shared without express permission.

Research + Synthesis

In 2018 I participated in a large-scale research engagement as my team began work to design and build a replacement for a Dallas-based airline’s operations software. I conducted 15+ contextual inquiries, which were synthesized with over 40 in total, alongside stakeholder interviews and data gathered by 3rd-party analysts. We affinitized over 1,500 data points over the course of two weeks, after which I created personas for existing users along with hypothetical future-state personas; the team also produced an extensive journey map and other deliverables which we presented to various stakeholder groups.

Creating a digital version of a physical affinity diagram with 1500+ data points.

Creating a digital version of a physical affinity diagram with 1500+ data points.

User Personas

User Personas

Sketching + Wireframing

I’ve long prided myself in my hand-wireframing skills, and find the ability to quickly articulate design decisions and directions invaluable, especially in a consulting environment.

As an example: we were attempting to map a hypothetical user interface along a fairly complex days-long process of decision-making. How could our product be readily available while staying out of the way? We started with a story, and I sketched elements of the user interface to illustrate how our users would interact with it throughout this lengthy and complex journey. Sketching meant that as the story evolved, the graphics could evolve quickly as well. This approach allowed us to get a high level of understanding from our client stakeholders, which translated to buy-in to spend a longer-term engagement thinking through the process at a higher level of detail and fidelity.

Using sketched wireframes to tell a story.

Using sketched wireframes to tell a story.

High Fidelity + Dev Ready

I’ve worked on a number of more interface-driven projects, including :

  • A mobile app concept for a workforce management company attempting something that had never been tried before: a marketplace for service workers to interact with their work schedules, request time off, trade shifts, and pick up extra shifts, all from their mobile device

  • An e-commerce solution for a large telecom network in the APac region as they branched out into managed network infrastructure—an e-commerce niche with a high level of complexity and customization

  • Consolidating several existing design systems while creating a cohesive UX content strategy for a large computer hardware operation based in Austin, TX.

Mobile application for workforce management.

Mobile application for workforce management.

E-commerce for a telecom company in the Philippines.

E-commerce for a telecom company in the Philippines.